CEGA Science
Recognizing the need for focused R&D, eDNAtec and its partners established the Centre for Environmental Genomics Applications (CEGA) as a centre of excellence to advance environmental genomics technologies for real-world applications. CEGA is a one-of-a-kind R&D centre with high throughput sequencing platforms and specialized data analysis tools that are completely dedicated to environmental genomics applications.
CEGA supports and delivers cutting-edge research in genomics, bioinformatics and ecology/environment using the latest technology, including Illumina MiSeq and
NovaSeq sequencing platforms.
CEGA is staffed by a team of Ph.D. and MSc level scientists, field and lab technologists, bioinformaticians, and data scientists that generate, analyze, and interpret the data produced by CEGA. They are trained in a wide range of topics relating to DNA-based monitoring of biodiversity, population genetics, ecological statistics, data analysis and bioinformatics. CEGA is also linked to a large network of international researchers and environmental managers from academia, industry and regulators.
International Workshop on Environmental Genomics (IWEG)
CEGA hosts the Annual International Workshop on Environmental Genomics (IWEG) – an industry forum that brings together world leading experts from energy, fisheries, academia, and regulatory agencies. The event focuses on state of the art, current scientific achievements, opportunities for application and guideline development of environmental genomics. It fosters productive and inclusive discussions on the pace of deployment of environmental genomic tools and the possible barriers and solutions to bring this technology to the mainstream.
The IWEG takes place annually in June in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.


CEGA Services
CEGA provides research support and scientific expertise in environmental genomics to regulatory and industry partnerships around the world.