We are eDNAtec
We are harnessing the power of environmental DNA technology to empower ocean-based industries and improve the health of our oceans.
Advanced genomics technology reads DNA from all organisms – from viruses to marine mammals – to generate insights for the world’s ocean industries.
The EnviroSeq® Genomics Workflow
Seven rigorous steps that yield repeatable, reproducible, and accurate results.
EnviroSeq® is an end-to-end standard operating procedure that has been hardened and tested through hundreds of genomics projects delivered around the world in harsh field conditions and remote locations. Every step is critical to ensure consistent quality and reliable results.
Globally, environmental genomics has evolved from small-scale artisanal projects to industrial applications. The EnviroSeq® Genomics Workflow sets the world standard and assures a disciplined, standardized protocol supported by quality assurance and quality control procedures. Clients can rely on EnviroSeq® to support critical decisions.
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Learn more about our business and the emerging science that supports the world’s ocean industries and improves the health of our oceans.
Learn MoreFeatured Scientist

Dr. Mehrdad Hajibabaei PhD
Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, eDNAtec
Dr. Hajibabaei is an internationally recognized leader in molecular biodiversity and genomics technologies with over 140 peer-reviewed publications. He is an Associate Professor at the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics and Department of Integrative Biology of the University of Guelph, specializing in the development and application of cutting-edge technologies for rapid and accurate analysis of biological diversity from genes to ecosystems. Hajibabaei has served on advisory and review panels for various international organizations and funding agencies and has collaborated with regulatory agencies, NGOs and industry.
Genomics, Molecular Biology, Molecular Ecology, Molecular Evolution, Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Environmental Genomics, Biomonitoring